On Apr 21, 2013, at 4:16 , Alan Chapell <achapell@chapellassociates.com> wrote:
>> On Apr 20, 2013, at 0:04 , Alan Chapell <achapell@chapellassociates.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks David. A few things come to mind after reading your and Ed's examples.
>>> The radio app running on a computer
>> No, no. Maybe I did not explain. It's not an app, it's a little black box. The computer is only needed to *configure* it over the network. Once configured, it runs without a computer. My Onkyo stereo is an example. This is not hypothetical.
> Ok, thanks. Just so I understand. The computer configures the radio service, correct? Why can't the disclosures be provided via the computer when DNT is enacted?
That's what I would suggest in this case. But that would not meet a requirement of "full disclosure *by the user-agent*", which is the essence of this discussion. Yes, the DNT should signal result from informed users' choice, but it might not be the user-agent itself that exposes the choice. (The user-agent in this case is in the internet radio).
David Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.