action-319: Draft non-normative text on how to accomplish non-JS third parties that want to request for exceptions (with lou)

I volunteered to write up a non-normative explanation of techniques a non-JS-based third party could use for obtaining a user-granted exception. Proposed text is below; this would be added to the end of the User-Granted Exceptions section in tracking-dnt.html.


# Exceptions without interactive JavaScript
(This section is non-normative.)

Some third party servers that comply with this standard may wish to receive user-granted exceptions but not have an interactive JavaScript presence on the page. Such tracking elements (for example, images, or "tracking pixels") therefore cannot use the JavaScript APIs described in this section to request an exception from the user. Such servers may obtain user-granted exceptions to a Do Not Track preference in a few alternative ways:

* If a user visits the home page of the third-party tracker in a first-party context, the tracker may in that context explain the exception request and use the JavaScript APIs to request a Web-wide exception. In the case of an exception granted in this way, the tracker will subsequently receive DNT:0 signals for requests to the corresponding domain. Alternately, a tracker could obtain out-of-band consent from the user (as defined in [TRACKING-COMPLIANCE]) and remember such consent via use of a cookie or similar technology.
* A third-party tracker may make arrangements with first-party publishers for the first-party to use the JavaScript APIs to request a site-wide exception. In the case of an exception granted in this way, the tracker will subsequently receive DNT:0 signals for requests within the context of that first-party.
* A third-party could provide transparency about their own data practices in order to persuade users to pre-emptively provide user-granted exceptions. A third-party tracker might use a machine-readable policy (for example, P3P) or some indication of compliance with a self-regulatory program or auditing practice . Users that care to might configure their user agents to grant exceptions (and thus send DNT:0 signals) to trackers with such practices.

Notes: depending on the resolution of options for the User-Granted Exceptions section, this language might need to be updated to correspond.

Received on Tuesday, 30 October 2012 00:14:27 UTC