Re: Batch Closing of TPE-related ISSUEs: ISSUE-171, ISSUE-116, ISSUE-138, ISSUE-173, ISSUE-160

On Nov 5, 2012, at 14:56 , Matthias Schunter (Intel Corporation) <> wrote:

> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> ISSUE-116: How can we build a JS DOM property which doesn't allow inline JS to receive mixed signals?
> Nick proposed to "The diff included below (also attached) would update the draft to move the JS doNotTrack property to window (from navigator) and remove the requestDNTStatus( ) method (which would now be redundant). "
> I suggest to implement this change and close ISSUE-116

I think Nick's note does two things:

* get the APIs on the right objects (uncontroversial)
* reduces from two APIs to one

We currently have both of
a) what is the user's "general preference"?
b) what DNT signal would be sent to a given origin?

Nick proposes deleting the former; I don't have any problem with that, but we need to realize it's happening.

David Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Monday, 5 November 2012 15:20:41 UTC