Rigo. The use case needs to reflect where the industry is headed and how it impacts online--not just a look backward. The transformation of measurement to better accommodate cross-platform user profiling/targeting is the context in this discussion, in my opinion. However, I am happy for a MRC represent to initially make a sole presentation. (Apologies for interfering with your weekend travels!)
But I am happy to initially
Jeffrey Chester
Center for Digital Democracy
1621 Connecticut Ave, NW, Suite 550
Washington, DC 20009
On Nov 5, 2012, at 5:16 AM, Rigo Wenning wrote:
> All,
> why do you do that to me only on Fridays when I'm traveling? Jeff, I
> suggested to invite someone from MRC to answer the questions Chris
> and Brooks weren't able to answer. This is for our information to
> find out whether we really need the data collection.
> This is done because the experts here will have a better
> understanding of what MRC does and what that means for us.
> Ed had already very pertinent questions:
> - is it mandatory to collect data
> - how do they handle people opting out
> I saw other nice questions on the mailing-list.
> - the EU folks do not need personal data for outreach. Does the MRC
> need personal data, how much and for how long?
> This was linked to Amy's proposal on overruling legal regimes that
> created the big discussion. It is one of the use cases we haven't
> resolved and want to resolve. It is affecting many things like
> permitted uses and the collection limitation principle and thus also
> affects the EU plans.
> So the more we know about this use case, the better we can assess
> how we can address it. And Jeff, I don't think it will be sufficient
> for industry to just say: "This is the way it is and we will collect
> data happy ever after". I don't think having someone present and
> being able to ask questions is already drawing conclusions.
> Rigo
> On Friday 02 November 2012 10:43:33 Jeffrey Chester wrote:
>> Suddenly there is a request to have MRC present.