Re: Today's call: summary on user agent compliance


why should I go to a web-form to opt-out if it is sufficient to 
instruct my user agent to send a DNT:1 signal? Or am I missing 
something? What is the relation between pointing people to an opt-
out web-form and sending DNT:1. Are you suggesting we have two 
parallel opt-out mechanisms defined in the TPE? There may exist opt-
out or opt-in or opt-over web-forms of all kinds and links to those 
web-forms from all kinds of pages and tools. But I thought we try to 
do without this level of indirection here. 


On Wednesday 13 June 2012 17:19:43 Roy T. Fielding wrote:
> > You could implement P3P that had already that opt-out URI 10
> > years  ago... Roy, are you suggesting we repeat history?
> All I am suggesting is that a link to a web page that has
> an opt-out HTML form is a consent mechanism.  It is the Web,
> I have implemented it, and it has been a success.

Received on Thursday, 14 June 2012 08:46:49 UTC