Re: Updated Server Response Section of TPE


On Friday 01 June 2012 10:56:06 Roy T. Fielding wrote:
> > If the status prevails, no need anymore to send a header, right? If the 
> > response has no impact on DNT;1, why send it anyway, we could just
> > spare 
> > that entire section as it is meaningless according to you. 
> Yes, that's what I said in response to the first I-D at the Prague IETF.

Hm, it is unfortunate that after all the discussions, you're still in 
Prague. Will you come to Seattle?

If a user expresses a preference of DNT;0 and the server is happy to confirm 
that DNT;0, there are matching expressions of preferences. Matching 
expressions of preferences can be seen as matching of will on an determined 
object (the request). Matching expressions of will is the definition of 
agreement[1], whatever you say, will say or will not accept. Consent is a 
special case of agreement with the additional requirements that Rob 



Received on Friday, 1 June 2012 19:42:48 UTC