Re: DNT Concerns

Thanks Walter. Just so I understand your position, are you suggesting that
DNT:1 for the EU might satisfy Eprivacy by - for example - addressing
certain first party cookies?

On 12/6/12 7:40 AM, "Walter van Holst" <> wrote:

>On 2012-12-06 13:08, Alan Chapell wrote:
>> Thanks Walter. The regulatory situation you describe below is very
>> different from that of other jurisdictions - including the U.S. I
>> believe
>> this makes a one size fits all approach to the creation of a DNT
>> compliance document problematic.
>I still quite like Rigo's "Europe should define what DNT:0 means, the
>US what DNT:1 means" approach, which more or less sums up that the
>standard may provide two sizes size which will fit each side of the
>Atlantic rather conveniently. I cannot remember seeing you or any other
>industry representative providing substantial arguments why this can't
>be made to work, provided that all participants are willing to get a
>result after all.
>  Walter

Received on Thursday, 6 December 2012 13:10:11 UTC