Does DNT apply only to 3rd parties, and cross-site tracking?

As a newcomer I missed your initial discussions, so I'm hoping someone can
help fill me in on something I noticed in the Tracking Preference Expression
strawman doc, and to a lesser extent the Compliance doc: Both presume that
DNT would apply only to 3rd parties, or that tracking is defined to include
only cross-site tracking.

For example, in the Tracking Preference Expression Introduction:  "... we
need a mechanism for the user to express their own preference regarding
cross-site tracking that is both simple to configure and efficient when
implemented. Likewise, since some Web sites may be dependent on the revenue
obtained from targeted advertising and unwilling (or unable) to permit use
of their content without cross-site data collection, we need a mechanism for
sites to alert the user to those requirements and allow the user to
opt-back-in to tracking for specific sites."

And in the same document, 4. Expressing a Tracking Preference - "When a user
has configured a tracking preference, that preference needs to be expressed
to all mechanisms that might perform or initiate tracking by third parties,
including sites that the user agent communicates with via HTTP, scripts that
can extend behavior on pages, and plug-ins or extensions that might be
installed and activated for various media types."

Isn't the question of limiting the definition of tracking to cross-site
tracking still open as Issue 5 - the definition?

Has the question of whether DNT would apply to 1st parties as well as 3rd
parties been discussed and resolved, and if so is that discussion reflected

Many thanks,
Carmen Balber
Washington Director
Consumer Watchdog
413 E. Capitol St. SE, 1st Floor
Washington, D.C  20003
p:(202) 629-3043

On 10/25/11 1:11 AM, "Roy T. Fielding" <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been trying to get the TPE spec into reasonable shape for review
> as a straw-man document.  It is still missing a couple of legs, but
> it would be best if you could review the parts that are in place before
> the teleconference on Wednesday.
> Please note that it is the nature of straw-man documents that they do not
> represent working group consensus by any stretch of the imagination.
> It is intended to push forward in areas that I think we might actually
> have consensus, if I'm lucky, and take mild steps forward in areas
> where we clearly don't.
> The parts that I have yet to add are the ones we have discussed most,
> namely the responses to DNT.  My goal is to have that in the document,
> as a set of alternatives, before we freeze it on Thursday, but please
> don't wait until then to review the other parts of the document.
> Cheers,
> Roy T. Fielding                     <>
> Principal Scientist, Adobe Systems  <>

Received on Wednesday, 26 October 2011 14:27:28 UTC