Re: PR of my proposed errata

On 2/13/15 2:10 AM, Sangwhan Moon wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 10:33 AM, Rick Byers < 
> <>> wrote:
>     I've also reviewed the changes and added a couple comments. 
>     Thanks Patrick!
>     On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 9:10 AM, Patrick H. Lauke
>     < <>> wrote:
>         On 10/02/2015 19:57, Jacob Rossi wrote:
>             I added a couple minor comments to the PR.  We probably
>             should have
>             some sort of summary section that says what's changed
>             since the
>             initial REC. Could you add that?  Something like what's in the
>             Pointer Events spec's appendix.
>         Worth doing it now, or when we're ready to publish? In
>         meantime, if it's only on github, people can view a complete
>         breakdown of commits...
>     I'd argue it's fine to wait until we publish to synthesize this
>     from the GitHub commit list.  We should make an effort to have
>     descriptive one-line commit summaries and descriptions to make
>     that job easier.
>     This all reminds me of 'ChangeLog' files in WebKit - the value
>     doesn't justify the added burden on each commit IMHO.
> I second Rick's remark. If the commit messages are descriptive enough 
> (should be part of the review process, I guess) then generating them 
> from the commit messages should be fairly easy.

I agree a link to the repo should be sufficient for now so I created 
[PR-7] to add links to the repo (used the Manifest spec as a template). 
That PR also makes a few other edits to the bolierplate.

-Thanks, AB

[PR-7] <>

Received on Tuesday, 17 February 2015 17:09:25 UTC