Re: CSS tests in github/web-platform

Sure, no problem. It's done.

On 10/3/13 6:02 PM, "Tobie Langel" <> wrote:

>On Thursday, October 3, 2013 at 7:32 PM, Rebecca Hauck wrote:
>> + public-test-infra
>> I'm resurrecting this proposal I made (mistakenly, privately) six
>>months ago when we first began to adopt github since Tobie has just
>>proposed the same for the Shenzhen event [1].
>> Peter, given that we've tried for several events using the github
>>mirror + hg-git bridge and had difficulties, are you willing to
>>reconsider this approach this time?
>As argued in my previous email[1], I think we should list pros and cons
>of the current status quo and those of my/Rebecca's proposal (use the
>main test repo for TestTWF contributions of CSS tests) so we can make an
>informed decision.
>Rebecca, you're in the best position to document the downsides of the
>current situation, Peter, you're well positioned to document issues with
>this proposal.
>Would you two be willing to do that in the wiki[2] to help us reach a
>resolution on this issue?

Received on Friday, 4 October 2013 01:45:01 UTC