Re: Knowing which tests are in the repository

On 21/08/2013 19:10 , James Graham wrote:
> FWIW I just tested this (in a not-very-careful way) on the
> web-platform-tests repository and it seems that, even though there are
> very few reftests at the moment we could have saved 17 screenshots from
> the 338 tests without any extra effort. This number would undoubtedly
> increase if an effort was made to consolidate the references to be the
> same for more tests.

Reducing the number of screenshots is an interesting optimisation, but 
one that can be equally well achieved with a quick hash of the source or 
some similar technique. I don't think we should drive our choices off 
this sort of optimisation.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Thursday, 22 August 2013 15:19:07 UTC