Re: location for fonts for CSS tests

Thanks James. Still relevant, actually, since I have to commit a bunch 
of text-direction tests soon, and it would be good to provide a font to 
ensure that the arabic and hebrew can be seen.


On 08/08/2013 18:42, James Graham wrote:
> On 08/08/2013 10:38 AM, James Graham wrote:
>> On 08/08/2013 10:15 AM, Richard Ishida wrote:
>>> The next set of CSS tests I will commit come with a downloadable woff
>>> font (Gentium). (See the tests at
>>> My question is: where should I put the Gentium woff font in the
>>> directory structure?  It seems like we ought to have a central location
>>> to deposit such fonts (there will be more for other i18n tests).
>> Maybe /media? It doesn't sound perfect, but I think it's the closest
>> location we have. Other suggestions welcome, but we ought to have one
>> directory at the top level for generically reusable resources.
>>> Should I submit the font to the appropriate location, or should I send
>>> it to someone to do that?
>> Submit it to the appropriate location.
> Oh, sorry, CSS. Never mind me.

Richard Ishida, W3C

Received on Friday, 9 August 2013 15:11:44 UTC