Re: Consolidating css-wg and web-platform-tests repositories (Was: test suite meta data)

On 08/07/2013 02:20 AM, Peter Linss wrote:
> My fundamental point here is that if the test suite can't get a spec
> out of CR, then it has little utility to the WG developing the spec,
> who, at the end of the day, needs the specs to advance if they want
> their charter to get renewed or be able to work on "the next cool
> thing". Building an entirely new testing infrastructure that can't
> get a spec out of CR is, IMO, a big waste of time, and not something
> I'm signing on to help with. Don't get me wrong, I see the value of
> testing regardless, but if getting specs past CR isn't a primary
> focus of *this* effort, then we have a serious problem.

FWIW, it's very much not a focus for me, and I don't see how that's a 
problem. It may not be of a lot of utility to some WG, but the important 
part is (IMO) the utility to the interoperability of the platform.


Received on Wednesday, 7 August 2013 16:08:15 UTC