Re: Consolidating css-wg and web-platform-tests repositories (Was: test suite meta data)

On Aug 6, 2013, at 5:29 PM, Dirk Pranke wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 5:20 PM, Peter Linss <> wrote:
> >
> >> But that's all beside the point, we're not actually going out of our
> >> way to support "non-web" use cases, we're supporting getting our specs
> >> to REC.
> >
> > It's unfortunate that you still see the testing primarily as a tool to get specs to move along the Rec. track. I think we should see testing as a way of improving interop. and strengthening the platform. After all the Process is a means to an end and non an end in itself.
> No, I see that as phase one of a spec's testing effort. Once the spec exits CR then the focus of the test suite shifts to conformance testing, I've always said so. But as co-chair of a WG, phase one has my personal priority.
> My fundamental point here is that if the test suite can't get a spec out of CR, then it has little utility to the WG developing the spec, who, at the end of the day, needs the specs to advance if they want their charter to get renewed or be able to work on "the next cool thing". Building an entirely new testing infrastructure that can't get a spec out of CR is, IMO, a big waste of time, and not something I'm signing on to help with. Don't get me wrong, I see the value of testing regardless, but if getting specs past CR isn't a primary focus of *this* effort, then we have a serious problem.
> I'm sorry, I've lost track of this thread ... what is the "*this* effort" you're referring to in the above paragraph?

The "*this* effort" I'm referring to is the overall project of building a common set of tests and testing infrastructure that's being discussed on this mailing list.

Received on Wednesday, 7 August 2013 16:03:47 UTC