Testing requirements page re-written


I was reviewing the lists of requirements we have, and wondering how to merge plh's and Michael Cooper's approaches. I thought I'd give it a try re-writing requirements in more actionable sentences that apply to functional units of the testing framework to be, à la:

  "The test runner must allow a test to report its result automatically"

The result is visible at:

It is slightly ugly to the eye, I must say, because of the use of headings throughout the page, but I kind of realized that too late...

The list of requirements of that new page is a merge between those of the previous version and those who appear on Michael's page. Most requirements were the same from what I can tell, and I did not find requirements that would go in opposite directions.

Apart from the comments below, I don't think I've dropped any other requirement from either of the two previous pages, although I've re-ordered and re-written some of them.

Do you find it useful? If not, feel free to rollback to previous version.

Michael, a few comments on your list:

* the use cases section looks more like general requirements than real use cases. I turned them into requirements that apply at the "testing framework" level.

* There are a few things for which I'm not sure I understand what you mean and how to turn that into requirements:
  - the Accessibility support database section. I included a link in the "improve interoperability" requirement.
  - "Test cases agnostic to how they're run" section: I'm not sure I captured that correctly
  - Multi-file tests: I don't understand what that means
  - Types of test files: what does it mean to support these types of test files?


Received on Friday, 13 May 2011 15:26:50 UTC