[minutes] Testing team Call 2011-05-02


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Testing team call

02 May 2011


           plh, Francois, MikeSmith, Judy, Shadi, MichaelCooper





      * [2]Topics
          1. [3]requirements
          2. [4]IG charter
      * [5]Summary of Action Items


    <plh_> [6]http://www.w3.org/wiki/TestInfra/goals

       [6] http://www.w3.org/wiki/TestInfra/goals

    plh: Page for requirements. We need to wrap this up. We're already
    late and need to move forward.

    <MichaelC> [7]Michael take on requirements

       [7] http://www.w3.org/wiki/Testing/Requirements/Cooper

    michael: too many things going on at the moment. I've added my
    comments in a separate page.
    ... in my email, I explain how to separate between use cases,
    general requirements, and test files. From most of the requirements
    I tried to detail things a bit. I know that I haven't captured
    everything from the original page.
    ... There's still room for some merging, I haven't gone into
    technical details.

    plh: I'm skimming through it right now. It looks reasonable.

    michael: I hope so. There's one requirement that there exist a
    layered approach between test files and test cases.
    ... One other core requirement is that you can have test files that
    are shared among working groups.

    plh: already possible, yes.

    michael: Too me, I thought this organization is better to grasp.

    plh: things look good. We are working resources across working
    groups already. I just take those for granted.

    michael: I don't think we should take things for granted when
    developing a product, we should be explicit.

    judy: Even if the differences are not fully laid out here, we feel
    it's important to talk about that together.

    plh: happy to do that, but we need to spell out the differences.

    shadi: very briefly, in the requirements that we have so far, the
    question is how can we turn things that appear in the wiki into
    something that we can put in the development of a product?
    ... I think we need to converge and try to find consensus on
    specific requirements that we all share

    judy: michael, could you lay out some of the differences?

    michael: unclear to me what we have and don't have so far. For
    instance, testharness.js is good but I don't think that we're going
    to be able to reuse it for WAI-ARIA.
    ... There are test cases that cannot be expressed like that. I need
    separation between metadata and test files.
    ... We may be needing manual tests here.

    plh: That's what we've been saying in the past two months.
    ... We have the exact same requirements in the HTML working group.
    Manual test cases will be needed. Metadata cannot be put in all test
    files. I don't hear any difference.

    michael: then it goes back to the requirements page that is

    <judy> [8]http://www.w3.org/wiki/TestInfra/goals#Self_describing

       [8] http://www.w3.org/wiki/TestInfra/goals#Self_describing

    plh: how is "self describing" test confusing?

    shadi: where is the JavaScript one?

    plh: one of our goals is to make tests as automated as possible. We
    know that it's not always possible. We'll have thousands of tests in
    HTML. We cannot afford to run these tests manually.
    ... There are examples there about what we mean by that.
    ... The framework that will be in charge of running the test cases
    and collecting reports will not preclude any specific type of tests.

    shadi: I'm still confused. Maybe it's just because it's named
    ... I see possibility to ask users for permissions. So this is not
    fully automated?

    plh: right, the result can be reported automatically, but the test
    may involve manual user intervention.

    shadi: so we might want to separate them

    plh: maybe it's more that we should call them "automatic result
    ... whether the script can run the test automatically or not is
    independent on how it reports the result back to the framework.

    shadi: another question. So we have this testharness.js which is
    pretty far already. It covers certain parts of testing that we'll
    want to reuse. What about the other types of testing?
    ... Are we going to develop another test harness for that?

    plh: no, that will be part of the test framework, the thing that is
    on top of the rest.
    ... The framework will collect the result automatically if it's an
    automated test, perform the comparison if it's a ref test, or ask a
    human to report on the result of the test.

    shadi: ok, thanks for the clarification, that's what I would call
    "harness", but not a big deal as long as we agree on definitions.

    plh: whatever we're going to create in the end, I want to be as
    flexible as possible. The state of the art is going to change in the
    next two years.
    ... A new version of testharness.js is in the works.
    ... That's not a big deal, the important stuff is that they can be
    run in the same testing framework.
    ... Human won't change, so manual tests are easier. The test could
    be executed outside of the browser environments.
    ... The only requirement for manuel tests is running a browser
    environment to report on the result.

    [Michael back to the call. plh going through same explanation]

    judy: are there any reasons why the test harness being developed
    would not be a good fit for WAI-ARIA?

    plh: The general harness for me is the framework.
    ... Let me share an example of such a framework.

    <plh_> [9]http://w3c-test.org/html/tests/harness/harness.htm

       [9] http://w3c-test.org/html/tests/harness/harness.htm

    plh: That's not the best example that we have. Two parts when you
    load this page. The top part is the framework running. The bottom
    part is the test running.
    ... Looking at this, you should be able to tell whether the test has
    passed or failed easily.
    ... In case of automated tests, the framework would just collect the
    result and move on to next test.
    ... This harness has limitations: it does not know how to recognize
    automated and manual tests.
    ... Aesthetically, it's not the best one either.
    ... In some examples, the test itself cannot tell you whether it
    passed or failed.

    michael: today is the first time that this is not the harness that
    we'll be developing.

    judy: some kind of miscommunication. Given that plh is saying that
    i've heard that this is the kind of things that we'll be doing, does
    that sound like going in the right direction for WAI-ARIA if this
    thing is cleaned up?

    shadi: Michael's requirements seem refinement of the test framework

    plh: yes and no.

    <judy> [judy suggests adding a glossary, for fear of additional work
    time lost in misunderstandings]

    judy: it may be worthwhile to design a glossary not to lose
    additional time. It should be quick.

    plh: Right. I tought I had settled down the terminology two weeks
    ago, but I don't seem to have been very successful at that.
    ... I probably need to create a diagram.

    judy: Before we get to the top of the hour, can we focus on merging
    ... A quick assess on whether that's doable?

    plh: It doesn't seem to be too complex to do the merging.
    ... I'm happy to take an action to try to put our requirements page
    into Michael's page to help clarify things.

IG charter

    <plh_> [10]http://www.w3.org/2011/05/testing-ig-charter.html

      [10] http://www.w3.org/2011/05/testing-ig-charter.html

    plh: we've been talking about the draft IG charter for about month.
    ... Goal is to review it internally before call for review.

    shadi: a couple of comments. Thanks for taking previous comments on
    the scope section.
    ... The paragraph before last paragraph in the scope section kind of
    narrows the scope and links to the Wiki which may not be appropriate
    in a charter.

    plh: oh, we should be sending an advance notice to the AC as well.

Summary of Action Items

    [End of minutes]

Received on Monday, 2 May 2011 14:53:59 UTC