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public-tag-announce@w3.org from September 2003
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Wednesday, 3 September 2003 17:11:54 UTC,
Monday, 29 September 2003 18:22:20 UTC
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[Minutes] 29 Sep 2003 TAG teleconf (Arch Doc, mtg planning)
Ian B. Jacobs
(Monday, 29 September)
Arch Doc: 26 September 2003 Editor's Draft
Ian B. Jacobs
(Friday, 26 September)
Accepted TAG finding: "URIs, Addressability, and the use of HTTP GET and POST"
Ian B. Jacobs
(Monday, 22 September)
Canceled: 22 Sep 2003 TAG teleconference
Ian B. Jacobs
(Monday, 22 September)
Updated finding: "URIs, Addressability, and the use of HTTP GET and POST
Ian B. Jacobs
(Friday, 19 September)
Arch Doc: 18 September 2003 Editor's Draft
Ian B. Jacobs
(Thursday, 18 September)
Summary of TAG activity from 10 Aug to 10 Sep 2003
Ian B. Jacobs
(Wednesday, 17 September)
[Minutes] 15 Sep 2003 TAG teleconf (namespaceDocument-8, deepLinking-25, whenToUseGet-7, contentTypeOverride-29)
Ian B. Jacobs
(Monday, 15 September)
Revised TAG finding: '"Deep Linking" in the World Wide Web'
Ian B. Jacobs
(Thursday, 11 September)
[Minutes] 8 Sep 2003 TAG teleconf (mtg planning, charmodReview-17, namespaceDocument-8, versioning/extensibility)
Ian B. Jacobs
(Wednesday, 10 September)
[Fwd: new TAG issue: rdfURIMeaning-39]
Ian B. Jacobs
(Wednesday, 3 September)
Last message date
: Monday, 29 September 2003 18:22:20 UTC