question about screen_size in Runtime and Security Model


( related proposal:

I think it's good that you are working on a spec to encapsulate what is
needed to make it somewhat easy to do generic app descriptors for web apps
- as opposed to fiddling with all kinds of Apple (or other) specific tags
and tricks to make webapps behave the same across platforms.  However, I am
not too fond of the spec proposal I found on github, where the screen_size
options seem limited to minimum width/height.

What I need as an app developer, is the viewport meta tag "done right",
where I can say, e.g. "give me a screen of 1920 x 1080 (virtual) pixels"
and the platform would figure out how to best match it within the device
currently displaying it.  Of course, the actual pixel count could be made
available to the application, but to make it very simple for 99% cases,
where you just need a virtual fixed size game/app area - and be sure it's
fixed - why not just provide an easy way of doing so?  Currently, it seems
that - apart from preventing auto orientation change, iOS is the only
platform providing this (through viewport tricks, event stealing, etc.) and
IE is getting there.

Given that this spec could be the NextBigThing(TM) for webapps, please make
sure game and app developers are heard - not just platform implementors and
spec'ers ;)

Lars (was part of the N9 browser team)

PS  Yes, I know there will be differences in aspect ratio - but this
*could* be fixed either by just enforcing one of the sizes (width or
height) or by simply having empty black space around.

Received on Wednesday, 20 February 2013 21:31:47 UTC