RE: [fwd] Draft charters for work on Semantics for WS

Personally I think W3C can provide a great deal more value to the WS 
community if it does define a core service ontology for use along with a

set of WSDL semantic annotations.  It should be defined in RDF/OWL and 
would thus provide a natural bridge result between the Web service and 
Semantic Web activities at W3C.  The ontology should be provided not as 
"the" only semantic model, but as one canonical source of referents for 
the WSDL semantic annotations.  This initial core service ontology would

not be as extensive as OWL-S is, but it would distill the low-hanging, 
well-understood fruit that is pretty much in common between WSMO, OWL-S,

SWSF, Meteor-S (I think) and other work on Semantic Web Services, and 
which is naturally expressible in OWL.  (Preconditions and effects, in 
particular, would not be part of the initial core ontology because they 
don't get expressed naturally in OWL.)


David, Joel,

Glad to see we eventually face the agreement/standard issues. I suggest both
the top-down approach (W3C specifies service domains and functional
categories) and the bottom-up approach (for each specific service domain,
build up service ontology and semantics by use case).

My concern is whether W3C will only care about e-business models but igore
the other domain-specific applications like GIS. Actually, GIS Web services
will join e-business markets sooner or later.

Considering the following scenarios, if a business company (e.g. WalMart,
hospital, clinic, wireless, telecommunication, etc.) wants to know how many
customers are located within 30 miles of a certain business center, this
company has to look for 1. geocoding service to locate both the center and
its customers, 2. buffer service to create a buffer feature of the center at
a distance of 30 miles, and 3. spatial selection service to select those
customers that are within the buffer distance.

If the company wants to know how many customers are located within 50 miles
of two or more centers in certain area, then the company need to find a
intersection service before doing spatial analysis.

If the company wants to know the socio-econimic condition of the customers,
census data have to be used. 

If the company wants to visualize the result of the analysis, then the
company has to find a mapping service. It is in this case a mapping ontology
and standard should be developed as I mentioned many times.

Regretfully, current demonstrations in SWS (OWL-S, WSMO, WSDL-S) research
and development are mostly focused on business transaction models (buy
something, credit card transactions, etc.). I hope W3C and these research
groups will demonstrate that the proposed approach can be deployed for ALL
domains and not just for buying something, and I hope my suggestions will
not be ignored since I have some different or dissident ideas.

Best wishes,


Received on Wednesday, 30 November 2005 02:56:00 UTC