Re: Are there so many errors in the official example of OWL-S?

Drew McDermott wrote:

>>[Wenfeng ZHAO]
>>    While reading CongoProcess.owl --the official example of OWL-S, I was
>>surprised to find that there are so many likely errors in them. The
>>following items are some of them. And most of them are about the SWRL
>>expressions.  Is there anyone here that would not mind telling me who is
>>wrong -- the examples or me -- on earth?  Thanks.
>You are right.  It's easy for errors to occur in the SWRL expressions
>because it's hard for an OWL validator to catch discrepancies inside
>XML literals.
But less easy in the (hopefully soon released) OWL-S 1.2, where SWRL 
(and DRS) expressions are no longer just XML literals.

>We'll try to post a corrected version.  Your suggested corrections are
>all more or less correct, but what we really should do is start with a
>presentation-syntax version of Congo Buy, type-check that, then derive
>the OWL version from it.  Perhaps that won't take too long.
I've been waiting for that for some time... ;)


Received on Wednesday, 30 November 2005 22:14:28 UTC