Re: Preconditions and effects in the Service Profile

Klaus Leopold wrote:

>I've already stated this question a couple of days ago but didn't get any 
>response: Is it possible to _reference_ OWL-S preconditions and effects in the 
>service profile?
Yes, you can. Note that in OWL-S 1.1 effects are being defined as part 
of a Result description so you would reference the Result instance that 
is defined in the process model. Just specify the URI's for the 
conditions and results defined in process model and reference them in 
the profile description (same as referencing inputs and outputs). See 
this example in BravoAirProfile.owl where a result from the process is 
being used in the profile:

   <profile:hasResult rdf:resource="&ba_process;#HaveSeatResult"/>

Hope this helps,

>The preconditions and effects in the Service Profile are usually a subset of 
>the Process Model. So it seems convinient if one could reference it.
>I hope that someone can help me with this issue.

Received on Thursday, 14 October 2004 14:43:01 UTC