Re: Additional information in OWL-S descriptions

My understanding is that the OWL-S profile allows you to provide any 
properties (in addition to contact details, quality rating, etc.) which you 
wish your service to advertise.

Best Wishes,

At 21:59 27/07/04 +0100, Juergen Zimmer wrote:

>Dear all,
>I work on the construction of mathematical web services, i.e. web services 
>offered by AI deductions systems, such as automated theorem provers, as 
>well as computation systems, such as computer algebra systems.
>For these services it is important to know, for instance, what 
>software/hardware/algorithm is underlying the service.
>Furthermore, computation services could contain a link to existing 
>taxonomies of computation problems, such as GAMS (
>I wonder whether OWL-S  has a canonical way to put this additional 
>information in a service description? Is it that I'd have to define my own 
>sub-concept of service:Service or could I just define additional 
>properties on the existing concepts of the upper ontology  in my service 
>best regards
>    Juergen Zimmer
>Jürgen Zimmer                   Phone: +44 (0)131 651 4159
>School of Informatics           FAX:   +44 (0)131 650 6513
>University of Edinburgh         E-mail:
>Appleton Tower                  WWW:
>Crichton Street Edinburgh EH8 9LE
>Scotland (UK)

Received on Wednesday, 28 July 2004 08:03:33 UTC