Additional information in OWL-S descriptions

Dear all,

I work on the construction of mathematical web services, i.e. web 
services offered by AI deductions systems, such as automated theorem 
provers, as well as computation systems, such as computer algebra systems.
For these services it is important to know, for instance, what 
software/hardware/algorithm is underlying the service.
Furthermore, computation services could contain a link to existing 
taxonomies of computation problems, such as GAMS (

I wonder whether OWL-S  has a canonical way to put this additional 
information in a service description? Is it that I'd have to define my 
own sub-concept of service:Service or could I just define additional 
properties on the existing concepts of the upper ontology  in my service 

best regards
    Juergen Zimmer

Jürgen Zimmer                   Phone: +44 (0)131 651 4159
School of Informatics           FAX:   +44 (0)131 650 6513
University of Edinburgh         E-mail:   
Appleton Tower                  WWW:
Crichton Street 
Edinburgh EH8 9LE
Scotland (UK)

Received on Wednesday, 28 July 2004 06:47:30 UTC