New Beta release of OWL-S (1.1B) available

A new BETA release of OWL-S, version 1.1B, is available at
As noted on the release page, we encourage feedback from interested
parties through the email list.

This release features a good deal of evolution in the process model
(Process.owl), particularly with respect to the use of variables, the
organization of outputs and effects into conditional bundles called
"Results", and the development of new constructs and practices for
expressing conditions, preconditions and effects.  A new set of
constructs is available for specifying dataflow, and a new control
construct ("Perform") is available to specify service invocation within
a composite process.  A summary of other recent changes is given on the
Status page.

As a BETA release, this release is incomplete in some respects (some
documents are not yet finished) and there are a few technical issues
under discussion that could lead to additional changes in the 1.1 full
release. However, we do not anticipate any major technical changes
between this release and the full release.  The full release is expected
to be announced in August.

The core ontology files and the Bravo Air example are all expressed
using valid OWL DL, and have been validated using tools such as the
vOWLidator, WonderWeb, and Pellet. The materials on this release site
have been frozen (with the possible exception of status.html), and
further evolution towards the full release will take place at

OWL-S is an OWL-based Web service ontology, which supplies Web service
providers with a core set of markup language constructs for describing
the properties and capabilities of their Web services in unambiguous,
computer-intepretable form. OWL-S markup of Web services facilitates the
automation of Web service tasks, including automated Web service
discovery, execution, composition and interoperation.  OWL-S builds on
the OWL Web Ontology Language Recommendation produced by the
Web-Ontology Working Group at the World Wide Web Consortium.

Previous releases of this language were known as DAML-S, and were built
upon DAML+OIL (the predecessor of OWL).

This release represents work by members of the OWL-S Coalition as well
as much-appreciated help from several interested non-members.
Contributors are listed on the release page.

David Martin

Received on Tuesday, 27 July 2004 04:55:17 UTC