- From: ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <metadataportals@yahoo.com>
- Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 00:28:43 -0800 (PST)
- To: "paoladimaio10@googlemail.com" <paoladimaio10@googlemail.com>, "public-swisig@w3.org" <public-swisig@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <1393576123.28835.YahooMailNeo@web160202.mail.bf1.yahoo.com>
As mentioned earlier, I will be shortly providing information on calls for 2014-2015 in Horizon 2020 which deal with topics of direct importance to SWSIG. I expect our membership to grow substantially once researchers in related fields are alerted to and informed about SWISiG and possibly some project proposals be submitted for funding in the 20214 and 2015 calls for the sections ICT and Societal Challenges in Horizon 2020. Milton Ponson GSM: +297 747 8280 PO Box 1154, Oranjestad Aruba, Dutch Caribbean Project Paradigm: A structured approach to bringing the tools for sustainable development to all stakeholders worldwide by creating ICT tools for NGOs worldwide and: providing online access to web sites and repositories of data and information for sustainable development This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. On Thursday, February 27, 2014 8:46 AM, Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio@gmail.com> wrote: Greets all!! Thanks a lot for filling out the survey, we now have just over 15 replies out of 35 members. Summary and action points to be circulated shortly,( and to be discussed at the next workshop, if there is time). As per our community charter, input is required to qualify for membership (what's the point of being in a community otherwise?) Link here http://tinyurl.com/npurmtg Thanks PDM On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 5:31 PM, Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio@gmail.com> wrote: Thanks a lot to the 10 people who have responded to the stakeholder survey so far. > > >Can others PLEASE fill out the survey? Now?? >http://tinyurl.com/npurmtg > > > >Thank you :-) > > >I tried to hide the columns with names and emails so that I could publish the analytics to a url, except for those two columns, but due to some limitations of (the free version?) of >google spreadsheets this does not seem possible. even if I hide the columns in the s/s, the analytics shows their content (#google #featurerequest) > > >So I duped the ss and deleted the columns altogether, but due to some other limination, the analytics view of the ss is completely empty (#google #bug?) > > >so here the duped ss w/o person data in its original tabular form >http://tinyurl.com/qfww2kd > > >Had a quick scan, and there are some interesting points for discussion/beginning action > > >In relation to how to deal with lurkers, we may up recommending that all W3C communities allow open membership to all, provided a minimum contribution commitment is made. This is to ensure honesty of the members If someone wants to be an observer is OK, provided they share their observations with the rest of the group using a publicly accessible URL I certainly would not consider silent observers of any value to the commnity, unless someone can explain to me what is the point and purpose of such a role. Discuss?
Received on Friday, 28 February 2014 08:31:57 UTC