2nd Human-Semantic Web Interaction Workshop (HSWI)

Hi all,

after the last workshop succeed and Roberto and Paolo proposed a summary 
in the wiki [1] and at a newswire, I think the group should continue the 
workshop series. As a co-chair of the SWISIG I'd like to assist to get 
it going on but since I'm not sure where I'm working at in six month 
(contract and, hopefully, my PhD is finished) I need other co-organizers 
who may be able to attend. Is anybody, especially from the last 
organizers, interested in continuing and assisting the HSWI workshop?

The next question is, where should we submit a proposal. Again at WIMS 
or maybe at ESWC [2]? IUI [3] would be an interesting community as well, 
but proposal due is 16th of September!


1: http://hswi.referata.com/wiki/2013
2: http://2014.eswc-conferences.org/
3: http://www.iuiconf.org/Authors/Workshops
Dipl.-Medieninf. Martin Voigt
Research Associate, PhD student

Technische Universität Dresden
Faculty of Computer Science
Institute of Software and Multimedia Technology
01062 Dresden

room:     INF2067
phone:    +49 (351) 463-38037
fax :     +49 (351) 463-38518
web:      http://mmt.inf.tu-dresden.de/voigt
email:    martin.voigt@tu-dresden.de
skype:    m.voigt.1982
linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/martin-voigt/9/3a0/64b
twitter:  https://twitter.com/#!/m_a_r_t_i_n

Received on Monday, 2 September 2013 07:11:45 UTC