Re: Split off ActivityPub CG or WG

st 4. 10. 2023 v 20:13 odesílatel Christine Lemmer-Webber <> napsal:

> BTW, I agree with Evan: the CG *is* the home of ActivityPub currently.
> I made the suggestion to make a separate CG or WG for ActivityPub is
> mainly to provide more focus within the standards process, and it was
> primarily a suggestion about if a WG was made in particular.  It could
> be that this is a *sub-group* or outgrowth of the SocialCG, but I am
> also okay with it not happening.  I appreciate the massive amount of
> work Evan is doing organizing and reviving the CG right now, by the way.
> But I see the "official home" of the specification, and the authority of
> what constitutes ActivityPub, as the SocialCG at present.  I think
> SocialHub is an excellent place to coordinate, and works with the
> SocialCG.  But the SocialCG is where AP's editing authority resides, and
> I think that's good and appropriate and it was designed to be that way.

Thanks Christine for the further explanation.  That makes total sense.

It would require a WG to make substantive changes to AP as a W3C REC.  If
one or more WGs happen, then the one that does AP, should probably have a
narrow focus on AP.  The indieauth style living standard being yet another
approach, with the W3C publishing snapshots.

The other (slightly separate) aspect is FEP style enhancements being
published, at the w3c, as part of a 3-step process.  There will be multiple
options for doing this at the W3C especially if they dont require the "REC"
label (not everything does).  For example a CG could be reused (including
this one), or spun up.  But it would require someone to drive it forward.
Which I dont think there is an immediate rush for.

Seems lots of different options for AP and the fediverse going forward.

>  - Christine
> Evan Prodromou <> writes:
> > SocialHub is a great place for CG members to chat.
> >
> > I think the FEP process is a great way to develop extensions.
> >
> > The core ActivityPub and Activity Streams 2.0 specs are maintained by
> this CG.
> >
> > Evan
> >
> > On Oct 4, 2023 03:21, hellekin <> wrote:
> >
> >  We do have an ActivityPub Community Group -- a Special Interest Group
> >  actually, in the form of the SocialHub.
> >
> >  If Aaron Parecki thinks it's good to keep the SocialCG and work with
> >  ActivityPub within a broader context of the Social Web protocols, then
> I
> >  see no reason to split again. We can continue ActivityPub ground work
> on
> >  the SocialHub, relay to the SocialCG and get the best of both worlds.
> >
> >  The SocialHub was created to give momentum to the ActivityPub community
> >  following the ActivityPub Conference held in Prague in 2019, and
> >  organized very generously by Sebastian Lasse. It was a great success
> and
> >  we anticipated much work to do that would become much noise for the
> >  SocialCG mailing-list, since this list was larger than just
> ActivityPub.
> >
> >  If now the people we wanted to avoid spamming are fine with getting the
> >  heat, I see no reason to move away and apart. On the contrary, I feel
> >  like we are in a situation where we have a real grassroots community
> >  that is grounded in free software and works on Codeberg and the
> >  SocialHub, and a standards-oriented community group who can relay and
> >  give body to already chewed on ground work. This is the best situation
> >  we can imagine, where the grassroots implementors lead the way and the
> >  standards-oriented people renders that body of work normative.
> >
> >  I am not a driving force in the specification process, so I'm happy
> >  whatever decision is made, but I want to underline both the grassroots
> >  effort that have been going on over the last four years around the
> >  SocialHub, as well as the renewed interests by the Chair to consolidate
> >  the normative form of ActivityPub and ActivityStreams. This is a great
> >  opportunity to engage more people with more confidence in the process,
> >  and not isolate other protocols that, if they are less visible, are no
> >  less important to our common success.
> >
> >  ==
> >  hk

Received on Saturday, 7 October 2023 11:05:59 UTC