Re: Split off ActivityPub CG or WG

+1 ^_^

On Sun, October 1, 2023 11:42 am, Christine Lemmer-Webber wrote:
> I'm not getting too involved.  So, you can ignore me.  I'm here in the
> background, peering vaguely, in the few moments I'm on top of my email
> (not often these days).  But, if you want my advice... and maybe you
> don't...
> I think it's time for ActivityPub to break off into its own CG or WG.
> The SocialCG or WG, whatever happens, can be a thing that exists, and
> ActivityPub people can be part of it, but my experience with the
> SocialWG especially was that a lack of core agreement on what we were
> working on really made life incredibly difficult.  We got some good work
> done, but... there's enough to do without needing to have the
> disagreements that come from not agreeing on fundamentals.
> I think if a re-invigorated set of ActivityPub work is to happen, do it
> in a new group devoted to that *explicit* purpose.  You'll retain a lot
> more hair of everyone participating.
> Now... regarding the CG or WG process... well, it's been nice seeing
> just how well WebAssembly is doing with their CG process.  That's given
> me hope.  So I think Ben's suggestion is not bad.  That said the
> SocialWG worked pretty well BECAUSE it was full of invited experts.  But
> that was heavily frowned upon by the W3C at the time.  If a WG were to
> happen, get buy-in to that idea up front.
> But yeah.  ActivityPub CG/WG.  Keep it focused.  Let people get the hard
> work done they need to when already agreeing on a core basis.  Otherwise
> else it's gonna be just like last time.  And that took a few years off
> my lifespan.
> Just my opinions,
>  - Christine

Lisa Rein

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Received on Monday, 2 October 2023 21:05:26 UTC