Re: Split off ActivityPub CG or WG


As Melvin pointed out an ActivityPub CG already exists, and needs only be reactivated. What we see in the enormous amount of discussions in all the various channels, is how many challenges and improvements still need to be tackled just in the AP protocol space. Something a dedicated CG can way more efficiently focus on.

At the same time there's the SocialCG, with a focus on the Social Web as a whole. I do not think having an ActivityPub CG obviates the need for a SocialCG. Instead I feel that the SocialCG itself may be more efficient if it focuses on the higher level concern of bringing different protocols closer together.

------- Original Message -------
On Sunday, October 1st, 2023 at 20:42, Christine Lemmer-Webber <> wrote:

> I'm not getting too involved. So, you can ignore me. I'm here in the
> background, peering vaguely, in the few moments I'm on top of my email
> (not often these days). But, if you want my advice... and maybe you
> don't...
> I think it's time for ActivityPub to break off into its own CG or WG.
> The SocialCG or WG, whatever happens, can be a thing that exists, and
> ActivityPub people can be part of it, but my experience with the
> SocialWG especially was that a lack of core agreement on what we were
> working on really made life incredibly difficult. We got some good work
> done, but... there's enough to do without needing to have the
> disagreements that come from not agreeing on fundamentals.
> I think if a re-invigorated set of ActivityPub work is to happen, do it
> in a new group devoted to that explicit purpose. You'll retain a lot
> more hair of everyone participating.
> Now... regarding the CG or WG process... well, it's been nice seeing
> just how well WebAssembly is doing with their CG process. That's given
> me hope. So I think Ben's suggestion is not bad. That said the
> SocialWG worked pretty well BECAUSE it was full of invited experts. But
> that was heavily frowned upon by the W3C at the time. If a WG were to
> happen, get buy-in to that idea up front.
> But yeah. ActivityPub CG/WG. Keep it focused. Let people get the hard
> work done they need to when already agreeing on a core basis. Otherwise
> else it's gonna be just like last time. And that took a few years off
> my lifespan.
> Just my opinions,
> - Christine

Received on Tuesday, 3 October 2023 07:01:23 UTC