How should I query ActivityStreams objects containing both JSON and HTML?

In a post
<>, I asked:

XPath and JSONPath are similar, but different. (See JSONPath spec
<>) This presents a problem for me
since I'm building a system to query ActivityStreams objects that can
include HTML wrapped in JSON.

Should I:

   - Use XPath syntax for both JSON and HTML?
   - Use JSONPath syntax for both JSON and HTML? (If so, is there a
   reasonable extension to JSONPath to support selecting on HTML attributes?)
   - Switch between JSONPath and XPath depending on the underlying datatype?
   (e.g. Embedding XPath in JSONPath.)

If you were writing a query, would you accept needing to know both syntaxes?

I would appreciate any advice you might be able to provide. Also, I would
be interested to hear if anyone else has already been faced with and
addressed this issue.

bob wyman

Received on Friday, 31 March 2023 22:06:09 UTC