Re: Regular SWICG meetings and CG process

> if you do use LD you need to be careful to make the output compatible
with the JSON form again

this bit is backwards -- non-LD-aware consumers/producers have much more
work to do in order to meet the AS2 compacted form, whereas LD-aware
consumers/producers can just use the LD compaction algorithm.

example: plain JSON can't tell that Public, as:Public, and are all the same.

example 2: JSON consumers also might fail to realize certain things are
arrays, due to LD expressing single-value arrays as bare string IRIs unless
otherwise specified via @container: set or @container: list

theoretical counterexample: plain JSON is not required to include @context,
only heavily recommended. an AS2 parser MUST assume/inject the normative
@context if the activity+json media type is specified. (this almost never
happens in practice, and ld+json with the profile required by activitypub
will still require the producer to declare @context, but it is something
you have to account for.)

Received on Thursday, 30 March 2023 20:51:52 UTC