Re: Let's meet. Was: Re: Should the specs be forked and maintained elsewhere?

On 24 Mar 2023, at 14:35, Sean O'Brien wrote:

> I don't like the part where people have to show video, even for a 
> short while. If the reason is identity verification, I'm not sure why 
> a proof of identity is an issue.

no proof. Just human affection. Let the mirror neurons kick in. Seeing 
smiling eyes makes a difference.

> Forced microphone is also a potential issue
> - just let people acknowledge themselves at the start of the meeting 
> in whatever form they like.

agreed, that's paramount.

> I assume item #6 is a joke?

No. Metaphorical. Take a breath, chill a bit, have some hot or cold or 
whatever drink.

> Live transcription is very difficult to get right in my experience 
> running online events, without hiring a professional. The plugins for 
> OBS etc. are terrible. Open AI improves this dramatically, but I don't 
> know if folks want their conversations fed into a data set for a 
> language learning model.
> Meeting minutes should probably suffice, with video+audio recording 
> made available for a limited time.

Yes, I for one am more interested in results than noise. Concise 


Received on Friday, 24 March 2023 15:30:24 UTC