Re: "Evolving ActivityPub to reduce infrastructure costs"

On Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 10:49 AM Bob Wyman <> wrote:

> Darius wrote, in his ActivityPub implementor's guide:
>> Eh. Don't read [ActivityStreams V2.0] now. Skim the table of contents.
>> There will be bits of ActivityPub that don't make sense without the
>> ActivityStreams 2.0 spec, but those will be more advanced questions you'll
>> have later.
> I don't think this is a very helpful attitude. After several decades of
> either implementing and/or specifying numerous protocols, many much more
> complex than ActivityPub, I would never suggest that anyone even think
> about beginning an implementation without first closely reading all the
> specifications.
> bob wyman

I don't wish to derail this thread but the fact is that reading the specs
in a linear order will not be helpful for many, many people. I was not
advocating for not reading all the specs. I was advocating to skim one set,
go read another, and then come back to the original set when necessary
because you will have better context.-

Received on Thursday, 16 March 2023 17:52:52 UTC