Re: Rights Expression Language (REL) for Activity/Streams/Pub?

From working on FarceBook (I call it that as it maintains many farces)
using it for information dissemination mainly on environmental matters for
about 15 years I am of the opinion that a post should be looked after by
the original poster. The OP should have the right to maintain their post,
removing inappropriate comments from trolls or just bad or off topic
comments. This might also be in a group so would also be under admin and
moderator maintenance in this case.

On Mon, 6 Mar 2023 at 21:09, Marcus Rohrmoser <> wrote:

> On 6 Mar 2023, at 20:50, Bob Wyman wrote:
> >    - Preventing replies to posts
> Easy - don't post. Zero replies guaranteed.
> Seriously, what use cases are there?
> This sounds like the fantasy of a naïve dictator. Totalitarian and
> encroaching.
> ActivityPub may promise the publisher too much control. And won't keep
> it.
> Marcus

Aaron Gray

Independent Open Source Software Engineer, Computer Language Researcher,
Information Theorist, and Computer Scientist.

Received on Monday, 6 March 2023 21:47:43 UTC