Re: Transitive and IntransitiveActivity

Sorry I just observed that the constraint on IntransitiveActivity about 
the object property is clearly defined in .


On 09/12/23 21:31, Cristiano Longo wrote:
> On 09/12/23 18:49, nightpool wrote:
>> I think that, unless there's something I'm forgetting, it's pretty 
>> reasonable to assume that all current specified AP vocabulary types 
>> are transitive unless marked intransitive, but it would not be 
>> possible to assume the same for extension types, since you're not 
>> going to necessarily know at the time of processing whether an 
>> extension type is intended to be Intransitive or not.
>> And yes, regardless of whether an activity type is transitive or 
>> Intransitive, no object property is *explicitly* required. 
>> ActivityStreams is designed as a very flexible set of vocabulary for 
>> social web concepts, it's designed so that other protocols (Like 
>> ActivityPub, but also others) can add more requirements about what 
>> properties may be required in different contexts to enable different 
>> types of processing
>>  (It's certainly reasonable to assume that, in the ActivityPub inbox 
>> context, if you get a Like with no "object" property, there just 
>> isn't anything useful for you to be able to do with it. But that may 
>> not apply to all contexts—you could imagine a social web spec with an 
>> "object inbox" where a Like's object could be inferred from the 
>> receiver, for example)
> Yes I think it is what I mean. With the open world assumption saying 
> that a class has a mandatory property does not force anyone to state 
> the property explicitly, but this would let a reasoner to assume that 
> all the individuals in this class have the property (may be with an 
> unknown value).
>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023, 11:05 AM Evan Prodromou <> wrote:
>>     No, the 'object' property is not mandatory.
>>     No property is mandatory; an empty JSON object is compliant AS2.
>>     'object' is just not meaningful for a type like 'Arrive'.
>>     Evan
> Ok thank you very much. We can just assume that intransitive 
> activities has no object.
> CL
>>     On Dec 9, 2023 08:44, Cristiano Longo
>>     <> wrote:
>>         In
>>         I
>>         read that "IntransitiveActivity objects do not have an object
>>         property.". In contrast, one should assume that the object
>>         property is
>>         mandatory for activities which are not in the
>>         IntransitiveActivity?
>>         I.e., all the activities which does not are in this class
>>         should be
>>         considerd "transitive"?
>>         Thanks in advance,
>>         CL

Received on Saturday, 9 December 2023 21:27:17 UTC