Re: Transitive and IntransitiveActivity

I think that, unless there's something I'm forgetting, it's pretty
reasonable to assume that all current specified AP vocabulary types are
transitive unless marked intransitive, but it would not be possible to
assume the same for extension types, since you're not going to necessarily
know at the time of processing whether an extension type is intended to be
Intransitive or not.

And yes, regardless of whether an activity type is transitive or
Intransitive, no object property is *explicitly* required. ActivityStreams
is designed as a very flexible set of vocabulary for social web concepts,
it's designed so that other protocols (Like ActivityPub, but also others)
can add more requirements about what properties may be required in
different contexts to enable different types of processing

 (It's certainly reasonable to assume that, in the ActivityPub inbox
context, if you get a Like with no "object" property, there just isn't
anything useful for you to be able to do with it. But that may not apply to
all contexts—you could imagine a social web spec with an "object inbox"
where a Like's object could be inferred from the receiver, for example)

On Sat, Dec 9, 2023, 11:05 AM Evan Prodromou <> wrote:

> No, the 'object' property is not mandatory.
> No property is mandatory; an empty JSON object is compliant AS2.
> 'object' is just not meaningful for a type like 'Arrive'.
> Evan
> On Dec 9, 2023 08:44, Cristiano Longo <>
> wrote:
> In I
> read that "IntransitiveActivity objects do not have an object
> property.". In contrast, one should assume that the object property is
> mandatory for activities which are not in the IntransitiveActivity?
> I.e., all the activities which does not are in this class should be
> considerd "transitive"?
> Thanks in advance,
> CL

Received on Saturday, 9 December 2023 17:50:07 UTC