Re: meeting record: 2009-08-11 SWD WG telecon

On 11 Aug 2009, at 18:25, Ralph R. Swick wrote:

>    Tom: should we publish the implementation report?
>    Guus: it's not part of our delivrables
>    Sean: shall I remove the request for comments?
>    Guus: yes
>    ACTION: Sean to update the implementation report [recorded in
>    [30]]
>    <Ralph> specifically, the updates are to put a date of publication

This is done. I added a date of 19th May, which was the last change  
in the CVS, and included a link to the URI of the document in the  
"this version" header. For this, I used


as I understand that this document is not published elsewhere.



Sean Bechhofer
School of Computer Science
University of Manchester

Received on Wednesday, 12 August 2009 08:07:00 UTC