Re: SKOS comments: conflict in broader/broaderTransitive and transitivity?

Dear Daniel,

Hopefully you will find an answer to our question in the last "Note on supposed "transitiveness inheritance"" in the section of the SKOS Primer on transitive hierarchies [1].
This topic was indeed raised quite many times, since that's a point of RDFS sub-property link semantics which is far from trivial...




> Regarding the SKOS reference at 
> Section 8.1 says:
>    ... the propert[y] skos:broader ... [is] not declared as [a] transitive
>    propert[y].
> However, section 8.3 says:
>    skos:broader is a sub-property of skos:broaderTransitive
> and:
>    skos:broaderTransitive ... [is an] instance[] of owl:TransitiveProperty.
> Are subproperties of a transitive property necessarily transitive?  
> (That is,
> in math or in OWL, if a property is transitive, does that imply that any
> subproperty of that property is also transitive?)  (I'm more familiar with
> class/subclass relationships than property/subproperty relationships.)
> If the answer is yes, is there a contradiction between sections 8.3 and
> 8.1?
> Daniel
> --
> (Plain text sometimes corrupted to HTML "courtesy" of Microsoft 
> Exchange.) [F]

Received on Tuesday, 7 April 2009 22:03:35 UTC