Re: Review of Best Practice Recipes for Publishing RDF Vocabularies

Hi Ed, Ralph,

Based on your feedback and discussion, here's our proposed list of  
pre-publish changes:

BTW Ralph, In recipe 6, rather than the main doc providing any  
specific references to "pre-existing libraries" supporting conneg,  
would you be willing to setup yet another wiki page where references  
to such libraries could be maintained?

1. Change...
[[[While the provided Recipes are specific to an Apache HTTP server, the
general principles apply to non-Apache environments as well.]]]

[[[While the provided configuration examples are specific to an
Apache HTTP server, the general principles apply to non-Apache
environments as well.]]]

2. Change... [[[The editors wish to extend an invitation to any and  
all to submit additional bindings for non-Apache servers. The W3C is  
providing a wiki page to collect these bindings and recommendations.  
@@TODO Where is this wiki page?]]]

[[[The Working Group invites contributions of additional bindings for  
non-Apache servers. The W3C has provided a wiki page to collect these  
<a href="">non-Apache  
bindings and recommendations</a>.]]]

3. Slightly expand the discussion of the IE hack to explain what we  
mean by 'strange' and show an actual comparison of the headers

4. Change [[[DBPL]]] where it appears in the text to [[[DBLP]]]

5. In recipe 6, rather than provide any specific references to "pre- 
existing libraries" supporting conneg, we'd like Ralph to setup  
another wiki page which we'll reference.

6. Add reference to pubby in the case studies in recipe 6.

7. Make all of Ralph's suggested changes. (whew!)

8. Let's leave the example namespace alone for now, changing it to when the examples can be made to work correctly in that  

9. We propose that we don't change the ordering.

10. Let's not simplify or remove the 'a' recipes. We are (mostly)  
pleased with their existence and current location.


Jon & Diego

Received on Tuesday, 15 January 2008 14:37:52 UTC