Re: [RDFa] Response to Reviewer Comments on RDFa Primer

Hi Ben,

Well perhaps you're right and that is not mandatory that these non 
crucial things shall appear in a primer. I herefore agree with your 
doing nothing wrt to the dc:creator issue.
About this space-separated properties, I of course think it's not 
utterly elegant and also guess you don't really have any choice. A 
question however: does this space-separated solution appear somewhere in 
RDFa spec? I did not find it in RDFa syntax [1] (at least it is not in 
section 4.2.1 "Using the property attribute")



>Antoine Isaac wrote:
>>I was actually wondering about a situation where you have (with a
>>slightly different example)
>><h1>Photo Album #12345: Vacation in the South of France</h1>
>><h2>created and published by Mark Birbeck</h2>
>Ahah, okay, we should indeed clarify this.
>The way you would do this in RDFa is using space-separated properties in
>the property attribute:
><h2>created and published by <span property="dc:creator
>dc:publisher>Mark Birbeck</span></h2>
>We should have an example that makes this clear.
>>I think you did not abuse dc:creator, but I wanted to emphasize that
>>both literal values and resources value where possible for it, and
>>therefore that both "rel" and "property" could be used for this single
>>property, and that the reader should be mentioned this situation, so
>>that he does not panic when confronted to these two different cases.
>Do you think the current disclaimer is not sufficient? I'm trying to
>keep the Primer simple and free of vocabulary discussions...

Received on Friday, 2 March 2007 16:36:11 UTC