Re: [RDFa] Response to Reviewer Comments on RDFa Primer

Antoine Isaac wrote:
> I was actually wondering about a situation where you have (with a
> slightly different example)
> <h1>Photo Album #12345: Vacation in the South of France</h1>
> <h2>created and published by Mark Birbeck</h2>

Ahah, okay, we should indeed clarify this.

The way you would do this in RDFa is using space-separated properties in
the property attribute:

<h2>created and published by <span property="dc:creator
dc:publisher>Mark Birbeck</span></h2>

We should have an example that makes this clear.

> I think you did not abuse dc:creator, but I wanted to emphasize that
> both literal values and resources value where possible for it, and
> therefore that both "rel" and "property" could be used for this single
> property, and that the reader should be mentioned this situation, so
> that he does not panic when confronted to these two different cases.

Do you think the current disclaimer is not sufficient? I'm trying to
keep the Primer simple and free of vocabulary discussions...


Received on Friday, 2 March 2007 16:03:42 UTC