Vocabulary maintenance: WP 2.3 and W3C Semantic Web Deployment

WP 2.3 participants, all,

The W3C Semantic Web Deployment Working Group 
(SWD) [1] is working on various practical issues 
for SW deployment, such as SKOS (RDF/OWL template 
for thesauri), and RDFa (embedding RDF in HTML).

SWD is also working on vocabulary maintenance 
issues. We have published one document on recipes 
for publishing vocabs on the Web ([2] server 
configuration, has vs. slash issue), which is 
quite heavily being used. In addition we would 
like to publish a document on 
maintenance/versioning policies, as there is a 
real need for this in user communities. We may not 
go as far as "best" practices", it will probably 
be more like "current" practices. We could really 
use some extra input in this part of the SWD work, 
and I was hoping that WP 2.3 participants could 
provide this. Note: W3C has no labor of its own, 
it is provided by the participants for the public 
good. It would really be nice (and also a win-win) 
if Knowledge Web could contribute here, preferably 
by signing up 1 or 2 people to co-edit such a 
document about the maintenance practices. A very 
rudimentary draft is available [3], but there is 
plenty of room for new input. Elisa Kendall of 
Sandpiper has already expressed here willingness 
to contribute as well.

Thanks for considering this. Let me or Elisa know 
in case you need more info.


[1] http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/swbp-vocab-pub/
[3] http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/wiki/VocabMgtDraft

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Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2007 15:56:11 UTC