Re: [RDFa] Test Suite progress

On Feb 20, 2007, at 6:37 AM, Hausenblas, Michael wrote:
> Ben, All,
> Just wanted to give an intermediate report on the
> current status of the RDFa Test Suite [1].

I see lots of focus on test metadata and test infrastructure,
which is great, but unless I'm missing something, there aren't any
actual tests that are complete yet, right? The first test case input 
I can find,
has a mime type of text/plain and bears a DTD for no reason
that I can see (the document doesn't seem to be valid).

> Next steps
> ----------
> Clean up TCs, complete [2] and transform the Wiki page [1]
> into a TR that will then be available at [5].

I suggest a shift in priority toward getting one or two test
cases finished before doing more work on infrastructure.

The first few examples from the primer seem like an important
thing to test.

> [1]

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2007 15:53:58 UTC