[MM] Status update for 2nd deliverable...


I wanted to give you all some status on the EXIF section I'm working  
on for the 2nd deliverable.

After looking around, I found that there are two EXIF ontologies  
(RDFS) currently publicly available. These include
	1) http://www.w3.org/2003/12/exif/
		- this is develped by Kanzaki.com and was moved to a W3C site a  
while back.
		- it is also the one we use in PhotoStuff

	2) http://nwalsh.com/rdf/
		- develped by Norm Walsh

Semantically both are very similar..they are essentially  
straightforward encodings of the EXIF metadata tags for images (see  
http://www.exif.org/Exif2-2.PDF). There are some syntactic  
differences, but again they are quite similar.

Both developers provide an EXIF conversion service:
	1) Kanzaki - http://www.kanzaki.com/test/exif2rdf
		- It is essentially a simple web page, in which you can paste and  
image URL to an EXIF image and it will extract the EXIF metadata and  
convert it to RDF.

	2) Norm Walsh - http://www.nwalsh.com/java/jpegrdf/
                 - He provides a Java program that among other  
things, will read an EXIF image and covert the metadata to RDF

I haven't yet compared the output of the converters in detail yet,  
however upon first glance they seem similar.

As a side note, I also came across http://jigsaw.w3.org/rdfpic/ which  
will embed RDF in the EXIF header of JPEG files.

So, given this, I have a question...exactly how do we want to proceed  
and exactly what do we want to show in the 2nd deliverable. Any  
feedback would be great.


Christian Halaschek-Wiener
PhD Student, Dept. of Computer Science
GRA, MINDSWAP Research Group,
University of Maryland, College Park
Web page: http://www.mindswap.org/~chris

Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2006 16:51:56 UTC