Re: [SE] comments on primer

Phil Tetlow wrote:
> Jeremy,
> Many thanks for your input. I guess we should wait for your complete review
> of the updated version before preceeding with your comments? Can we assume
> a couple of weeks for further review?

I was not planning a further complete review.

My understanding was that we were looking for closure on the comments I 
had already made, rather than a new review of the final doc. Hence, I 
was ready to OK the doc, with the two minor changes I indicated.

I was surprised by the amount of change since the version I reviewed, 
but without doing a side-by-side comparison I don't think I can tell if 
the changes are significant, and I am happy to defer to your judgment.
[My sense of change may well be because in addressing my comments, the 
parts of the doc on which I commented were changed]

Do you think a further review is needed?

(The version I reviewed was from just before the F2F; I can't see a 
snapshot of it, but I assume it is in CVS somewhere. The figure number 
that I referred to in my comments with RDFIndividual seems to be 
different in all of the versions with snapshots)


Received on Wednesday, 11 January 2006 15:03:42 UTC