Re: The semantics of rdfs:label

| W3C is a meeting place for many overlapping communities. Some (such
| as those working with Description Logics) prefer to maintain a
| strict separation between ontology/schema layers and instance data,
| and hence consider rdfs:label as unsuited to instance data usage; the
| OWL specs say that it is an AnnotationProperty, ie. a decoration used
| in vocab descriptions). There are however tools which make use of
| rdfs:label as an instance level naming property, for example Damian
| Steer's BrownSauce RDF browser, [...]

Hmmmmm. So, if I understand you correctly you are saying that:

 - some people do use rdfs:label as the common superproperty of all
   names in order to be able to know which properties have name
   semantics (for generic browsing etc), and

 - this is not compatible with OWL DL.

The conclusion seems to be that it's not safe for the RDFTM TF to use
rdfs:label as though it were the same as the TM concept of base name.

Lars Marius Garshol, Ontopian         <URL: >
GSM: +47 98 21 55 50                  <URL: >

Received on Thursday, 15 September 2005 19:35:38 UTC