[ALL] Galway ftf preparation

At tomorrow's telecon I would like to have a first discussion on the 
goals c.q target results for the Galway face-to-face.

I would like each TF to define two things:

1. Document(s) to be discussed in Galway
2. Expected outcome of the TF by 1 Feb 2006 (end of our charter)

I propose we have an initial discussion about this tomorrow at our 
telecon, and finalize this list at our 19 Sep telecon.

This will be a key step in preparing the ftf agenda.


Free University Amsterdam, Computer Science
De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 598 7739/7718; e-mail: schreiber@cs.vu.nl
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Received on Sunday, 4 September 2005 14:47:32 UTC