RE: [ALL] agenda 28 Nov telecon 1800 UTC

Hi all,

Regrets for today's telecon, at home sick (I might lurk on IRC).

> 3.1 PORT - Porting Thesaurii to RDF and OWL (Alistair)
>     ACTION: Ralph to prepare the SKOS public WD for publication
>     [recorded in
>     [62]]
>     DONE

Thanks Ralph.

At the f2f I suggested we try to complete another (3rd) publication round before the end of the WG's current charter, to take the SKOS Core Guide and SKOS Core Vocabulary Specification to 3rd Public WD.  I'd like to propose that we do *not* attempt a third publication round before 31 Jan 2006, and instead focus on preparing a well-documented issues list for input to whatever comes after SWBPDWG1.

Of the 3 issues discussed at the f2f, only one of these [1] appears relatively uncontroversial. The other two issues [2,3] need further discussion, and I do not think we have sufficient time before 31 Jan 2006 to reach satisfactory consensus.  Additionally there are dependencies on renewed OWL work [4], and I'd prefer not to rush a resolution to these issues.

Any comments on this plan? 

> 3.2 OEP - Ontology Engineering and Patterns (Deb/Chris)
>     ACTION: Alistair to review Qualified Cardinality note
>     [recorded in
>     [64]]

Please continue.

> 3.3 WordNet (Aldo)
>    ACTION  Alistair, Brian, Ben, Jacco, Jeremy to review WN
>      draft by 25 Nov

Please continue.

> 3.5 VM - Vocabulary Management (TomB)
>    Proposed update TF description:

>    'HTTP Cookbook' editor's draft

Thanks to David W for suggestions, I look forward to more.






Received on Monday, 28 November 2005 16:46:50 UTC