Re: [VM] Vocabulary Management telecon on May 12


The conference was originally scheduled for 1700-1830Z
(UTC) today [1].  However, Dan cannot attend, leaving just
Alistair, Ralph, and me.  I would rather find a time when
Dan can participate.

Ralph proposes sometime between 1300Z and 1600Z today.
1500Z might work for me; earlier would possible but only if
I could make arrangements within the next hour.  Either way,
however, it could be problematic to reserve Zakim, as two
business days' advance notice is usually required.

Aldo could attend a conference tomorrow (Friday) at 1300 or 
1600 UTC.

It looks to me like time is running out for the options

What would others think of:

    Friday, 13 May, 1300 UTC - if Zakim could be reserved in time
    Monday, 16 May, 1700 UTC - or some other time on that day
    Thursday, 26 May, 1700 UTC - the next "alternate week"

I will be on the road 17 to 23 May.


[1] UTC is currently two hours behind Central European time,
    so this is 1900-2030Z.

Dr. Thomas Baker              
Institutszentrum Schloss Birlinghoven         mobile +49-160-9664-2129
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft                          work +49-30-8109-9027
53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany                    fax +49-2241-144-2352
Personal email:

Received on Thursday, 12 May 2005 08:55:15 UTC