Re: [Fwd: Re: [DC] Implementing DC in OWL DL]

Bernard Vatant wrote:

>Hi Dan
>I think this issue is more general than the DC example. In many use cases, people want
>properties to be migrated to OWL without having to decide if they become Object or
>Datatype, because they need both, typically the former when values are controlled
>(reference to known individuals), and the latter when they are not.
>IMO the original DC properties should keep this flexibility and stay as they are as
>unspecified rdf:property, but more specific subproperties could be defined to use in OWL,
>one Object and one Datatype, such as
>	dc:creator_object
>	dc:creator_data
>Certainly better names are to be found, but that's the idea.
>How does that sound?
Sounds plausible to me, but the granularity of the "is this in DL or not"
question is at the schema/ontology/namespace level, not at the property
level. So you could make a separate namespace that was pure DL, and
declare the sub-property relationships in one or the other namesace, but
I don't know that having the new DL-happy stuff in the same namespace
as the older properties would solve anything, since you still couldn't use
that in a DL-based system.

I think :)


Received on Wednesday, 6 July 2005 18:13:55 UTC